Housing And Neighborhoods Issues/Reports
Feb. 11, 2021
Report of the Housing and Neighborhoods Committee
Feb. 8, 2021 Meeting
The committee discussed affordable housing in Ward 3 at length with input from Commissioners Wall and Cristeal, on what is happening with the Marriott Wardman Park project in Woodley Park, and projections for ANC3F where there has been slow progress for new developments. https://www.bizjournals.com/washington/news/2021/02/01/marriott-wardman-park-sale-residential
Also discussed was the Comprehensive Plan, and how it ties in with these projections. https://dhcd.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/dhcd/publication/attachments/FY2019
There was also considerable discussion on the Mayor’s Budget: committee members will be researching priorities for ANC3F to submit. It was pointed out that the District has weathered the past year surprisingly well and will actually have $1.5 b in new funding available. https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/
I reported on the Feb. 9 Walkabout in Forest Hills, which addressed crime in the immediate FH neighborhood, and which was attended by CM Mary Cheh, ANC3F Commissioners Cristeal, David, Mehta and Wall, Comdr. Bedlion, Capt. Frenzel and other officers from MPD2, the Mayor’s Liaison for Ward 3 Donaldson and numerous neighbors. A Zoom meeting for all with property managers of the buildings abutting the park is scheduled for Feb. 22.
I also reported on efforts the subcommittee on Security and Wellness is making to further understand the many facets of the voucher program vetting processes, which have brought many new residents to the area. We are scheduling Zoom calls with those we hope have an overview of current policies.
Our next meeting will be on March 8.
George Hofmann
Nov. 15, 2020
ANC3F Housing and Neighborhoods Committee
Nov. Meeting Report
To the Commissioners:
The committee met on Nov. 9. After drafting the ANC3F Comp Plan and Rent Control resolutions for the Council hearings this year we turned our attention to the matter of establishing an Education subcommittee, due to the large number of schools in our area – from pre-school to grad school – and due to the larger numbers of new residents with children of school age. Initially we are looking into the schools’ outreach programs and evaluating their interest in increased and regular contact with ANC3F.
A focus on Security and Wellness and the problems presented, again, by large numbers of new residents in our apartment buildings, is leading us to look at the accountability of landlords in our area who have profited from subsidies prior to the pandemic, and likely persisting, possibly increasing, in the coming years.
We are planning to meet in December on Dec.14.
Respectfully submitted,
George Hofmann
Housing and Neighborhoods Committee
September 15, 2020
To the ANC3F Commissioners:The Housing and Neighborhoods Committee met last night, Sept. 14, 2020. We had a full agenda: rent control, affordable housing and vetting and voucher problems.In addition we spoke with 3 new candidates for the committee: Alexandria Appah, Tvonne Donovan (who was not able to join us but had spoken with 2 of our committee members previously) and Keshini Ladduwahetty, all of whom the committee felt were strongly qualified and welcome.As we are now a rather large body we will work in task forces on the above issues.The subject of rent control was extensively discussed, with bills before CM Anita Bonds’ committee the most immediate concern. It was decided not to ask ANC3F for a resolution for testimony at this time, however a proposed Rent Control Reform bill yet to be scheduled for a hearing by CM Bonds may warrant official comment.Affordable housing is foremost in our minds as well and Commissioner Cristeal will liaison, as a member of Ward3 Vision, to aim to jointly sponsor a Ward 3 – wide Roundtable. As Chair I will reach out to other ANCs in Ward 3 to urge them to participate as well in this important issue.We have made efforts to move beyond the initial problems of new residents in our area to work with the various city agencies and organizations devoted to the homeless, for example, to better understand vetting, with the aim of ongoing contact with our new neighbors on issues like schools, safety and everyday life.
Respectfully submitted,
George Hofmann
June 21, 2020
To: ANC3f
From: Housing and Neighborhoods Committee
Re; June meeting report
The committee met on June 1st. There was extensive discussion on the Mayor’s budget and the provisions of legislation on rent relief due to the Corona virus and attendant economic ills before the City Council. We supported Commissioner Cristeal’s recommendations to the other Commissioners for an ANC resolution regarding these legislative proposals.
There was also considerable discussion about recommending extending support for a middle-class rent relief provision to the impending legislation, without resolution. This discussion is continuing.
Finally, the committee considered the question of affordable housing in Ward 3, which has somewhat been put on hold by the Corona virus emergency, and a meeting with Council Member Cheh; this discussion is also ongoing.
Respectfully submitted,
George Hofmann
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