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James Tandaric,
Commissioner, Anc 3f07
Assumed Office 2021

Schools & Universities

 I was born in Downers Grove, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. After finishing my undergraduate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, I moved to DC in the hopes of bringing positive, social change to DC. During the day, I work as a Program Lead for an Education Non-Profit. I received my Master’s in Elementary Education at Trinity Washington University. I taught in DC for 7 years and I loved working with parents and community members to help their students thrive as learners and humans.

I have been in the ANC since June 2020. I originally joined the Housing & Neighborhoods Committee and collaborated with the other members to address issues of public safety. After being part of the community, I formally started a new committee called the Schools & Universities Community. The purpose of this committee is to advocate for schools and parents in ANC 3F. I became a commissioner in August 2021 via a special election. In the past term, I organized multiple community engagement events with neighbors via planting, supported resolutions on transportation, safety, and the environment, and been a vocal advocate for affordable housing, bike infrastructure, and mental health resources for our neighbors in need.

In my free time, I love playing music. I play several instruments and I perform with a local jazz band as their Bass player. In addition, I enjoy traveling! I try to travel 2-3 times a year either domestically or internationally. Finally, I usually go for walks in the neighborhood so if you see me, say hi! I hope with all my experience as an organizer and ANC Commissioner I can advocate for ANC 3F05 and collaborate with the community to identify solutions to issues within the community!

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